Policies Westmont Records Management Policy
Policy Statement
The College is committed to effective record management to preserve its history, meet legal standards, optimize the use of space, minimize the cost of record retention, and ensure that outdated and useless records are destroyed. To that end, the College enacts this policy for the management of active and inactive departmental records.1
Departments that maintain college records have established appropriate record retention management practices that are outlined in this policy. Each department:
- Implements the department's record management practices
- Ensures that the practices are consistent with applicable law
- Educates staff on appropriate records management
- Ensures access to confidential records is restricted
When the record's retention period has passed each department makes a determination of whether to preserve or dispose of the documents.
- Preservation: Transfer inactive records of historic value to the college archivist2
- Contact college archives at extension 6209 or by emial at archives@xiaoneizhi.com
- Destruction: Destroy inactive records that have passed their retention period and have no archival value
- Where destruction of records is appropriate:
- Non-confidential records: recycle using bins in respective offices
- Confidential records: shred; or discard for shredding by college's confidential document destruction service
- Electronic: Purge electronic records from local drives and server
- Where destruction of records is appropriate:
Records Schedule
The following table, while not exhaustive, represents the retention and destruction schedule for record of administrative departments. Record retention periods may be increased by government regulation, judicial or administrative consent order, private or governmental contract, pending litigation or audit requirements. Such modifications supersede the requirements listed in this policy. Suspension of record destruction required for any of these reasons will be accomplished by a notice sent out to affected department and/or individual personnel by College Counsel.
Office | Record Type | Storage Location | Duration |
Academic Dean |
Admissions |
Advancement (OCA) |
Accessibility Resources Office (ARO) |
Business |
Finance |
Human Resources | See Separate Schedule Attached | ||
Payroll |
Procurement |
Registrar |
Student Life |
Records Requests
- Internal Requests
- Internal requests for inspection, review and/or copy of college records can be made to the office where the records are maintained. Generally, the law provides the college with a reasonable amount of time to comply with student and employee requests to access their personnel or educational record. Employees may request to inspect their own files by appointment with the office of Human Resources; and will be provided copies of any documents bearing their signature within a reasonable time upon request.
- Students may request to inspect and review their educational record by contacting the Office for Student Life. In accordance with federal law, multi-student records3 will require redaction in order to protect the privacy of the non-requesting student(s).
- Inter-office requests for records of other types for legally appropriate and legitimate business purposes is determined in accordance with regular practice.
- External Requests
- External requests for inspection, review and/or copy of college records should be directed to College Counsel.
Policy Review
The college will review this policy periodically to ensure its consistency with applicable law and make modifications where appropriate. For questions regarding records covered under this policy, contact the department responsible for maintaining the records in question. For questions about the policy, contact College Counsel, Toya Cooper, at extension 6832 or by email at tcooper@xiaoneizhi.com
Human Resources Document Retention Schedule
Record Type | Duration | Destruction Date |
Employee Files | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Reference letters | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Offers | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Applications | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Performance Reviews | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Changes in pay, title, etc. | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Interview records | 3 yrs | Kept even after termination |
Applicant information on those not hired | 2 yrs | 2 years |
Legal files | Until final disposition of case | Not destroyed |
First Aid and Worker's Comp claims | 5 yrs after date of injury | have paper files back to 1978 |
Pre employment physical results | 1 year | Every 2 years |
Asbestos exposure results | 30 yrs | keep indefinitely |
Respirator testing | 30 yrs | keep indefinitely |
OSHA log | 5 yrs | keep indefinitely |
Classified ads | 2 yrs | (have stored electronically back to 2001) |
I-9 forms | 3 years after hire date or 1 year after termination, whichever is later | Records examined and purged as required |
Immigration files | 1 year beyond the last date an H-1B is employed | Not destroyed |
FMLA/SDI files | 3 years, if no claim is pending | (have paper files back to 1992) |
Insurance bills | 6 years | Every 6 years |
Retirement plans contracts | 1 year from termination of plan | Not destroyed |
Background checks not kept at Westmont College-database w/ vendor only | 5 yrs | (saved electronically by vendors) |
Unemployment claims | 3 yrs | indefinitely |
Temporary agency contracts | 1 yr | 2 yrs |
Benefits bills | 6 yrs | 6 yrs |
Plan descriptions | duration of plan and 1 yr after termination of plan | indefinitely |
Contracts | 1 yr after termination of plan | indefinitely |
COBRA | indefinitely | indefinitely |
HIPAA docs | 6 yrs | 6 yrs |